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Facts And Figures:

PASTA - Italy & the US






  •  Consumption of pasta per capita is the highest in Italy (23.5 kg per year; the US consumes 8.8 kg

         per year).


  • As a result of it's unique heritage, the Italian food Industry produces more than 300 types of pasta, classified as: dry or fresh; hollow or filled; long or short; smooth or ridged.


  • Thanks to the growing demand for quality food along with steady enthusiasm for healthy Mediterranean cuisine, pasta is experiencing a new era in the U.S. Market. Restaurants and retailers are expanding their quality offerings to attract better-informed consumers, who are more focused on healthier products that are also environmentally conscious.


  • While pasta making dates back to the origin of civilization, the popularity of pasta led to the perfecting of its production process, which nowadays relies heavily on technology and machines.


  • The two ingredients that are critical for Italian pasta production: a pure blend of wheat and water.

World Pasta Production in Tonnes:

Source: Survey carried out by I.P.O. - Data in bold are updated to December 2015


The figure includes dry pasta production for retail, foodservices and industrial use (dry pasta used as an input
into value-added products, such as soups, prepared froxen foods, boxed pasta dinners, ect.).

World Pasta Consumption in Tonnes:

World Pasta Consumption (kg per capita):

World Pasta Production
World Pasta Consumption
Pasta Consumption (kg)

DOLCI - Italy & the U.S.


  • During 2015, the Italian Confectionery industry produced over 2 million tons of sweets, 27% of which was exported to international markets.


  • Ranking second within the entire food & beverage sector after wine, the branch of DOLCI Made In Italy has exported more than 861,000 tons in 2015 with revenues of over 3.5 billion euros.


  • United States is globally the fourth largest consumer of Italian Dolci and confectionery products and the first outside the European Region.


  • Increasing 20% year over year, it was estimated that the U.S's exportation of Dolci products was worth €177.5 million in 2015.


  • According to a recent IRI report, US consumers generally eat fewer meals but snack more. Based on this, our Italian confectionery portfolio is an ideal consumer option, which offers different textures, shapes, flavors and consistencies, all sharing one important characteristic: quality.


  • The best raw materials, top quality standards and constant product innovation allows the Italian confectionery industry to excel at offering healthy and tasty snack solutions from breakfast to dinner.


  • As demand for lower calorie, healthier and naturally made foods grows steadily in the United States, crunchy and fragrant Italian foods meet the increasing demands of more informed consumers.


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